Looking For That Dream Job – Still A Dream?

We often hear this concern: “My current job is not my Dream Job” – this is what we hear whenever there are talks about employment, change of careers and even resignations.

However, what exactly is a dream job? This article will attempt to understand the parameters linked to the so-called Dream Job.

The following statements may shed a lot in order for people to understand the specific components that make up a Dream Job.

“I love my Job.” – Have you heard this statement from people lately? This is the first indicator or parameter that shows that you excel in whatever is your job in the company, in the industry that you evolve in or with the people you work with.

“I am passionate in what I do.” – As you may notice, this statement involves a certain “cause.” Regardless of how important it is to the world outside of you, it means a lot to you. Naturally, you have exerted a lot of effort and dedication in what you do to make you good at it – as shown in the passion you put in what you do.

“I would not trade my job for anything.” – While many people still believe that money is the first and foremost motivator, this is not necessarily the case. It has been tried and tested over time that Job Satisfaction and Recognition are considered more important than money.

“I have a fantastic boss.” – People feel miserable at work because they get to deal (miserably!) with bad bosses. Inquire about people’s working relationships with their bosses or supervisors. Employees that enjoy a positive relationship with their superiors are always motivated to perform better and better. On the other hand, employees who are constantly threatened by their superiors are mostly under producing or not being productive at all.

“I will continue doing what I am doing even if I win a lottery.” – This reflects a whole lot about the employee as well as the job, the company and in many ways, the boss.

“I look forward to a Monday.” – Things like these still occur – that people actually look forward to their work on Mondays without insinuating that they have boring lives or that they have to escape from home. There are really jobs that fulfill.

These aforementioned insights are the ones that lead to people knowing the makings of a Dream Job. If you identify with any of the aforementioned descriptions, then it is not difficult to say you too have a dream job. If you do not, it is time to ask yourself if you love what you are doing. If you feel you can no longer take it, it is time to go and move on. Believe me, you dream job is waiting for you.