Total Isolation System
Total Isolation System is a device that will help filter out the disturbing sounds around you and help you work in peace and be at peace with yourself. You might have always wanted to retire to some peaceful place in the mountains to escape from the hustle and bustle of life in a metropolis. The constant honking of the cars, police sirens and even the news helicopters if you live at about 20 stories above the ground.
Now you have a solution for your problem, Total Isolation Systems has the name indicates, you will completely isolated from your environment of sound pollution into an environment free of sound pollution. The Total Isolation System works on the principle of noise canceling headphones that can keep out the sound up to an amazing 90% of the surrounding noise out from your head, while the remaining 10% is taken care of by the music played by the CD. But, one should take care and not use sounds more than what is in your surroundings, which might cause some damage to the ears.