Still Want To Smoke?

I thought this was a great commercial for a non-smoking campaign. Very creative and well made. As you can probably tell from the accent, it’s from the UK. I’m not smoker, but I certainly didn’t know that smoking had an impact on someone’s sex life. If I was a smoker, I think this would have…

Beer and Its Health Benefits

If you read newspapers or listen to the radio, you are constantly informed of the multitudes of health-related problems besetting countries all over the world. You hear cases involving people who are suffering from heart attacks, kidney diseases, cancer and other illnesses. However, you don’t get to hear stories or reports involving a pretty easy…

Too Much Exercise?

There is no question that exercise is beneficial to all of us, whether you do it at home, outside, or in a gym. It keeps our bodies in excellent health and shape. It also helps us maintain good health. However, is there such a thing as too much exercise? When is exercise considered too much?…